
Education Is The Foundation For Success

The path to a better future begins with education.

Whether you are looking for afterschool opportunities for your children, educational resources, or support for your personal educational goals, Omega CDC has programs for you.

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Our Education Programs

High-quality, out-of-school time learning and enrichment opportunities, family support, and connections to community resources.

Scholars of H.O.P.E.

The Scholars of H.O.P.E. (Health. Optimistic. Prepared. Educated.) program uses afterschool time as an opportunity to expose students to a wide variety of enrichment classes, enhanced learning opportunities, and field trips to broaden their understanding of the world. It is available to students at Fairview Elementary and Edwin Joel Brown Middle School and offers a safe after-school environment to support social and academic needs.

Prevention with a Purpose

Prevention with a Purpose is a substance abuse and violence prevention program designed to give students tools to help them make better decisions when facing the challenges of daily life. The program helps students build positive friendships, and develop confidence in their ability to manage tough decisions, communicate effectively, and resist peer pressure. It is open to 5th and 6th-grade students at Fairview Elementary and 7th and 8th-grade students at Edwin Joel Brown Middle School.

Family Resource Coordinators

The Family Resource Coordinators help families identify barriers to academic success and work with the family to find the resources and support necessary to remove those barriers. This program is available to families and students at Fairview Elementary and Edwin Joel Brown Middle School.

Family Coaching

The family coaching team is dedicated to helping families across our community achieve self-sufficiency. Our family coaches assist with goal-setting, problem-solving, and connecting families to local programs and resources for stability and growth. We celebrate accomplished goals with monetary incentives.

Student Success Planning

This relationship based approach pairs each child or youth with an adult navigator to craft personalized action plans in collaboration with their families and other caring adults. Student success plans focus on the child’s needs and strengths and pinpoint supports, enrichments, and resources to overcome barriers, foster growth, and advance their goals. With a holistic perspective, Success Planning ensures every child is known, seen, and heard, establishing a positive bond with a caring adult and empowering students to take charge of their journey to success.

Scholar University

Scholar University is dedicated to guiding students through secondary education and into successful postsecondary pursuits, particularly college. We offer comprehensive career planning tools, helping students assess their skills and interests and align them with suitable career fields. This includes thorough research on chosen careers, covering income ranges, education requirements, and daily responsibilities. We also provide essential resources such as SAT and ACT practice, FAFSA application assistance, and support in earning the Ohio Job Readiness Seal. Throughout the 4-year program, students gain hands-on experiences, from visiting college campuses to participating in internships, all while developing crucial soft and hard skills and earning scholarships.
Parent Cafe made a great impact for me and my family. My family is now growing together as one. We are starting to be able to open up to one another. Parent Cafe brings so much joy and love to me when I attend. I can't wait for the next session. I am able to open up and express how I feel and feel love in return. Parent Cafe got me through a dark time in my life. I am starting to feel and become myself again, getting the help I need. I feel really good about myself. I am really thankful for all the Parent Cafe has done for my family.
-Omega CDC Member
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